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  • Writer's pictureSasha Carew

Engage your mind each day

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

I recently came across an analogy that was what Oprah calls an AHA moment, and its simply this - that what we do every day makes the difference - so it was explained in terms of brushng your teeth, and when I find the reference I will add it. It was saying that meditation for instance, is really only effective when practised every day - like brushing your teeth, exercise and bathing - its great if you do these once a week/month / in a blue moon - but to be any good to you, they really should be part of your daily routine .

Meditation found me late in life, around 2015 I did a free 21 day meditation from Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. It was around being "stuck" and getting " unstuck" and I really enjoyed it. I would recommend doing these free meditations as long as they still offer them, and then you can purchase the ones you like and even keep them on an App on your phone. Then inbetween,do a daily practice - do five minutes - make it part of your day and you will start to benefit in the ways Deepak describes. The many benefits are like miricles, I believe meditation and a comprehensive fitness routine are essential for most of us to feel happy and succesful.

I believe in having a mantra and I also follow Sadh Guru and Abraham Hicks, she relaxes and puts her focus on someting she can hear around her - birds, wind or even central heating noise. Sadh Guru has inner engineering which you can pay for and I am currently working through, and he has a free you tube chanel and I subscribe and listen to his daily lessons. I also follow Ken Lauher and he has meditations which include breathing which I also think helps us.

Comment if you have tried any of these, and also if you have others to recommend.

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